National Greyhound Adoption Program
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National Greyhound Adoption Program

About National Greyhound Adoption Program - NGAP

National Greyhound Adoption Program was founded in Philadelphia, PA in 1989. Our main goals are, and always have been:

  • To help find loving, adoptive homes for former racing greyhounds
  • To provide superior knowledge and support for greyhound adopters and other adoption groups
  • To educate the public and spread awareness about the plight of the greyhound
  • To provide specialized medical care specifically geared towards the greyhound
Greyhound Adoption

NGAP's first few adoptions took place in the early 1990s. Greyhounds were flown a few at a time from Florida to Philadelphia and adopters were often met at the airport to pick-up their new dog. We later began hauling greyhounds up from Florida in a large truck. Because we were now driving the greyhounds instead of flying them, more could be saved - often up to 30 at a time! Of course, along with more greyhounds came the need for more space. This being so, in 1992, NGAP built its own kennel facility to accommodate this growing number of rescued racing greyhounds. NGAP has come a long way since those early days and greyhound adoption is now just a fraction of the things that we do!

In 1995, NGAP opened its own greyhound clinic to fulfill the need for specialized greyhound care. Our clinic and surgical facility performs over 2,000 greyhound procedures under anesthesia annually - more than any other facility in the United States!

NGAP Pet Clinic

Although we do multiple procedures ranging from annual check-ups and sterilization, to eye, leg and toe amputations, we certainly excel in dentistry!
We are the only veterinary clinic in the world that has not one, but two, Biolase MD diode lasers.
We have taken state-of-the-art laser procedures used in human dentistry and transferred them to the veterinary clinic. Part of our goal is to wake up the veterinary community about the importance of canine dentistry and health. We consider it, at least for greyhounds, their number one most impactible health issue. At NGAP, canine dentistry is very important to us, and we do it better than anyone else!

Greyhound Adoption Kennel

National Greyhound Adoption Program now has greyhounds sent to us by various different groups from all over the United States. Our kennel currently houses anywhere from 40-50 adoptable greyhounds and is also able to house 40-50 boarding greyhounds for their vacationing owners. Because we are involved in so many aspects of greyhound adoption, rescue and advocacy and we take care of the housing and health needs of so many greyhounds, we have a large aid staff of almost twenty people and full-time, live-in caretakers.

Greyhound Support

We also do something that is rarely done in rescue. We call it 're-donating'. NGAP actively seeks donations in large proportions because we have the ability to pick up and safely store trailer-loads of donated food, pharmaceuticals, and other goods. These large donations do not always necessarily fall under the guidelines of what we need or use, so we utilize what we can and arrange for the donation of the rest to other rescues - greyhound or not. We have been known to send trailer-loads of food to other facilities at no charge.

Kennel Facade

In October 2009, NGAP completed and moved into its new adoption and boarding facility located in Northeast Philadelphia. It boasts such luxuries as 4'x 6' kennel runs and large, soft beds for each dog.

Our state-of-the-art, non-profit clinic and surgical facility opened its doors to the public in April of 2011. We now see all breeds of dogs and cats as well as greyhounds and still maintain a specialty in dentistry. It is our goal to provide top-notch veterinary care at an affordable price to greyhound owners and to the community at large.

From the spacious kennel runs to the modern new equipment, the new facility has been designed with an emphasis on the comfort of the dogs that will be in our care. This effort is a labor of love and hopefully will be an example for others to follow.

NGAP is an independent, non-profit organization registered in the state of Pennsylvania. It is a federally designated 501(c)3 corporation. We are funded by adoption fees, fund raising events, car donations and various donations of other kinds. All donations are tax deductible. NGAP has no affiliation with any greyhound track or any other organization and prides itself on being a strong national advocate for greyhounds. We have participated in both national exposes and legislative initiatives to help these 'greyt' dogs.

Thank you for your interest in National Greyhound Adoption Program and for helping us to help the greyhounds.

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New NGAP Vet Clinic coming up

National Greyhound Adoption Program
10901 Dutton Road
Philadelphia, PA

View our 501c3

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