National Greyhound Adoption Program
Help save retired racing greyhounds
 Contacts & Directions About NGAP NGAP
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National greyhound adoption program: Services
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National Greyhound Adoption Program

National Greyhound Adoption Program was founded in Philadelphia, PA in 1989. Our main goals are, and always have been:

  • To help find loving, adoptive homes for former racing greyhound dogs
  • To provide superior knowledge and support for greyhound dog adopters and other adoption groups
  • To educate the public and spread awareness about the plight of the greyhound
  • To provide specialized medical care specifically geared towards the greyhound
National Greyhound Adoption Program

National Greyhound Adoption Program
10901 Dutton Road
Philadelphia, PA

© 2008

Phone: 215-331-7918
Email: [email protected]

National Greyhound Adoption Program
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